In this lesson we are going to be learning about Comments. Comments in a line of code; can be extremely helpful understanding the code, document the author of the code, keep everything organized with Psudocode and more. ​We are going to learn when and where comments are the most effective. We are also going to delve into when Comments are not effective and just bog the program down.

Comments are not always the best way to say something in code. Sometimes it's much better to leave some information in the code. In the worst-case scenario, comments can lie to the user/programmer (you should never do that on purpose). It's good to use readable variable names, and sometimes it's better to divide your code into named pieces (later we'll call these pieces functions). In some situations, it's a good idea to write the steps of computations in a clearer way. The code below contains some of these situations. Try to improve it (and remove the comments – removing the comments will sometimes be an improvement itself).


The Code

using System;// This pulls up the System Dictionary for me to use. I like dictionaries

// This is the name of the program
namespace Comments
    //This is the name of the program
    class Program
        // this is the name of the main function
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // this writes out to the screen in Colsole "hello World" I love this line
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
                int v = 10800; // 3*60*60
                int zzz = 3 * 60;// This is a variable to hold the value of 3 minutes in seconds
                int zzz = 5 * 60;// This is a variable to hold the value of 6 minutes in seconds
                float siii = 3.141526f; //This is the value of pi
                                       // Console.Writeline (results);
                                       // here we should print the v value but a programmer didn't have time to write any code
                                       // but he/she likes writing long comments

The Assignment

1 Go in and clean up the line of code that is included above. remove any areas of worthless comments and keep the comments that are important. 
2. Change the name of the int in the code to have it make more sense.... (watch the video)